Anwar Kassaw Ali

Full Name Anwar Kassaw Ali
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MA from Hawassa University (September 2012E.C -october 2014 E.C)
  • BA in Hotel  Management from Hawassa University (October 2005 E.C-June 2007 E.C)
Working Experience
  •   Lecturer at Injibara University (october 21/2014 E.C to Present)
  • Graduate Assistant II at injibara University (April 01/2011 to september 30/2012 E.C & on study leave)
  • Graduate Assistant I at Injibara University (April 01/2010  to March 30/2012 E.C)
  • Instructor at Burie poly techniqe college (Nov, 01/2009E.C-April, 01/2010E.C)
  • Instructor and COC coordinator at ibex hotel and tourism college (April 2008E.C-November,2009 E.C)
  • Restaurant Manager @Hilwa Arebian restaurant (september 01/2008 -March 2008E.C)  
Research Interest
  • Social media practice,marketing in Hospitality Industry
  • Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) in Hospitality Industry
  • Service quality and customer satisfaction in hotel industry
  • Technology adoption in hospitality industry
Publications ________
Address College of Business and Economics, Injibara University
Office: Registrar Building, Room 304
Tel: +251 922549943