Getachew Mulat Kebede

Full Name Getachew Mulat Kebede
Academic Rank
  • Lecturer
Education Background
  • MSc in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from Mekelle University (November 2016 to June 2018)
  • BA in Economics from Aksum University (October 2012 to July 2015)
Working Experience
  • Lecturer at Department of Economics, Injibara University (October 2021 to Present)
  • Lecturer at Department of Economics, Aksum University (June 2018 to Sep 2021)
  • Graduate Assistant at Department of Economics, Aksum University (October 2015 to June 2018)

Research Interest

  • Developing and Applying Advanced Discrete Choice Models
  • Energy and Transport
  • Environmental Issues as well as Health Affairs
  • Institutions /Property Rights and Sustainable Land Use/ Governing the Commons
  • Efficiency and Productivity in Agriculture and Food Security
  • Rural and Urban Energy Issues
  • Climate Change, Agriculture and Developing Countries
  • Macroeconomics and Public Policy/Growth and Poverty Implications of Interventions
  • Economics of Technology Adoption
  • Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis
  • College of Business and Economics, Injibara University
  • Office: Registrar Building, Room 309
  • Tel: +251 912 120658
  • Email: