Jeneberu Nigussie Agegn

Full Name Jenberu  Nigusie  Agegn
Academic rank Lecturer
Education background
  • M.A from Hawassa University in department of hospitality management    (October 2013E.C -December 2015 E.C)
  • B.A at Aksum University in department of hotel management  (October 2009 E.C-June 20011 E.C)
Work experience
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (  from December 19/2015 E.C to Present)
  • Graduate Assistant I at  Aksum  University ( from September 2012  to  September 2013 E.C)  
Research interest
  • Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) in Hospitality Industry
  • Service quality and customer satisfaction in hotel industry
  • Technology adoption in hospitality industry
  • Sustainability practice regarding to hospitality industry
  • Employee turnover & retention regarding to hospitality industryTraining & development program for employee performance  regarding to hospitality industry
  • Impact of covid-19 on the hospitality industry
  • Effect of branding & marketing strategies on customer loyalty  

Email:  meetjenberu12@gmail.comCollege of Business and Economics, Injibara University

Office: RegistrarBuilding, Room 304

Tel: +251 919531964