Yadergal Abe Moges

Full Name Yadergal Abe Moges
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MBA from  University  of Gondar(February 2010 to March 2012)
  • BA in Management from Haramaya University (September 2005-July 2008)
Working Experience
  • Lecturer at Mizan Tepi university(October 2008 to March 2016)
  • Lecturer at Wolkite University( March 2016 to October 2018)
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (October 2018   to  December 2021 )
  • PhD student at University of Gondar( December  2021 to present
Research Interest
  • Entrepreneurship
  • leadership
  • Strategic Management
  • Human Resource Management
Address College of Business and Economics, Injibara University
Tel: +25113318527
Email: amonraabe@gmail.com