Bekalu Wasia Abou

Full Name Bekalu Wasia Abou
Academic Rank


Education Background
  • MSc in Accounting and Finance from Bahir Dar University (September 2019 to August 2020)
  • BA in Accounting and finance from University of Gondar (October 2016 -July 2018)
Working Experience
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (March 2022 to Present)
  • Lecturer at Mekdela Amba University (October 2021 to February 2022)
Research Interest
  • Finance
  • Accounting and Auditing
  • Tax
  • Cost
  • College of Business and Economics, Injibara University
  • Office: Registrar Building, Room 402
  • Tel: +251 930964357
  • Email: