Dawit Tilahun Bekalu

Full Name Dawit Tilahun Bekalu
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MA from Hawassa University (September 2017 to July 2019)
  • BA in Hotel  Management from Hawassa University (October 2013-June 2016)
Working Experience
  • Head ,Department of Hotel Management  at Injibara University (October 2021 to Present)
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (September  20/2014 E.C to Present)
  • Lecturer at Aksum University (July 04/11/2011  to July, 27/2013)
  • Graduate Assistant II at Aksum University (10/01/2010 to July 2011 E.C & on study leave)
  • Graduate Assistant I at Aksum University (10/01/2009  to 10/01/2010 E.C)
  • SPA supervisor at Gezahegn & Elifineshe Resort Hawassa (10/11/2008-05/01/2010 E.C
Research Interest
  • Tourism Product development
  • Ingenious product promotion  and Hospitality marketing
  • Hospitality technology adaption and training
  • Customer care and handling
Publications ______
Address College of Business and Economics, Injibara University
Office: Registrar Building, Room 302
Tel: +251 913148021
Email: meetdawa@gmail.com