Getenet Takele Bayih

Full Name Getenet Takele Bayih
Academic Rank lecturer
Education Background
  • B.A degree in Public Administration and Development Management from Haramaya University (September 2012 – July 2015G.C).
  • Masters of  Business administration (MBA) from Haramaya University (2016  up to  2018G.C )
Working Experience
  • As Graduate Assistant I at Haramaya University from August 20, (2007 E.C) 2015 G.C to August 24, (2008 E.C) 2016 G.C
  • As Graduate Assistant II at Haramaya University from August 25, (2008 E.C) 2016 G.C to July 19, (2010 E.C) 2018 G.C
  • As a lecturer at Haramaya University from July 20, (2010 E.C) 2018G.C to February 30, (2015 E.C) 2023 G.C
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (March 2023   up to now )
Research Interest
  • Human resource management
  • Public service delivery
  • Organizational citizenship behavior
  • Public policy
  • Business administration
  • Consumer buying behavior
Publication ————
Address Injibara University, College of Business and Economics, Department of Public Administration and Development Management.Office:   CoBE Building, Room 409
Tel: +251 918669064